Central Asian web pages

Kazakhstan     Kyrgyzstan     Tajikistan     Turkmenistan     Uzbekistan     Russia     Moldova     Others

Central Asia general

News and Analytics

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (https://www.rferl.org) - Daily news and analysis on Central Asia affairs, opposition mooded (EN and local languages).

Ferghana News (https://www.fergana.agency) - Analysies on current political and social issues as well as historical sketches on Central Asia (RU, partly UZ, EN)
Eurasianet.org (https://www.eurasianet.org) - Daily news, field reports and analyses/commentaries on Central Asia, Caucasus, Mongolia, Iran and Afghanistan (EN, partly RU).

Voices on Central Asia (https://voicesoncentralasia.org). Articles on history and contemporary issues in Central Asia from Central Asian authors and researchers.

Информационно-аналитический центр по постсоветскому пространстве МГУ (https://www.ia-centr.ru) - Analysis and commentaries from Central Asian and Russian perspective (RU).

Central Asian Analytical Network (https://www.caa-network.org) - articles, interviews from Geroge Washington University Eurasian Program (RU, EN)

Mediazona Central Asia (https://mediazona.ca/) - reports and news from Central Asia (RU).

EU Trade with Central Asia (https://ec.europa.eu/trade/policy/countries-and-regions/regions/central-asia/)

Centrasia.org (https://centrasia.org) Moscow-based web site collecting articles and analyses on Central Asia, Afghanistan and selectively Iran, Pakistan and other Eurasian countries, usually rather pro-Russian views (RU)

Vladimir Paramonov Central Eurasian Project (https://www.ceasia.ru). The web page with selected analysis and articles of leading expert on Russian and Chinese presence in Central Asia, energy markets and economy of the region (RU)
Центральноазиатская новостная служба (https://ca-news.org). Новостная лента по Центральной Азии, Кыргызстан (RU, EN, KG).


Other institutions and websites covering Central Asia

Institute for War and Peace Reporting (https://www.iwpr.net) - Reports and analyses from various parts of the world, including large section on Central Asia (EN, partly RU or local languages)

International Crisis Group (https://www.crisisgroup.org) - Deeper occasional reports from hot regions, including Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan (EN, partly RU or local languages).


Scientific journals

Central Asian Survey (https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ccas20)

Central Asian Affairs (https://brill.com/view/journals/caa/caa-overview.xml)

Demokratizatsiya (https://muse.jhu.edu/journal/674)

Problems of Post-Communism (https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/mppc20)

Europe Asia Studies (https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ceas20)

International Journal of Eurasian Studies (Hanang University, South Korea) (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18793665)

Central Asia and the Caucasus Analyst (https://www.cacianalyst.org) - Bi-weekly on-line journal with commentaries on current issues in Central Asia and the Caucasus, published by Central Asian and the Caucasus Institute in Washington (EN).

China-Eurasia Forum Quarterly (2003-2010) - https://www.asia-studies.com/cef.html

Central Asia and the Caucasus Studies (https://ca.ipisjournals.ir) – Journal of the Institute of Political and International Studies in Teheran.

Иран-намэ (https://www.safarabdulloh.kz/ru/iran_name.html) - научно-практический журнал о культуре, философии, литературе и истории Ирана и Центральной Азии

Этнографическое обозрение/Советская этнография (https://journal.iea.ras.ru/archive.htm).


History of Central Asia

Восточная литература (https://www.vostlit.info) - Thousands of historical works, resources and documents translated into Russian or Russian origin. The best source for researching the history of various parts of the World. Extensive section on Central Asia, the Caucasus, European history etc. (RU).
Центральноазиятский открытый фотоархив (https://ca-photoarchives.net/) - фотографии Центральной Азии 1870-2008

Центральноазиатский исторический сервер (https://www.kyrgyz.ru) - страница посвящена истории кыргызов, казахов, кыпчаков и других кочевников

Русский Туркестан. История люди, нравы. Блог (https://rus-turk.livejournal.com). 

My Tashkent (https://www.mytashkent.uz) - History and Contemporary Tashkent.

Russian Perspectives of Islam (https://islamperspectives.org). Selection of sources on Islam in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, National Delimitation, women issue (RU, partly EN and other languages).

Iraj Bashiri page (Iranian and Tajik Studies) (https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/bashiri/) - Lot of information on history and literature of Central Asia (Tajikistan in particular) and Iran, chronologies,
H. B. Paksoy articles (https://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/53/index-af.html)

Historical Photo from Central Asia (70s-80s) - https://www.galenfrysinger.com/asia.htm

Динамика экономического и социального развития России в XIX и начале XX вв. Российская империя в цифрах (https://www.hist.msu.ru/Dynamics/)

Василий Верещагин - жизнь и творчество (https://veresh.ru)

Туркестанский альбом/Turkestan Album (https://www.loc.gov/rr/print/coll/287_turkestan.html). The earliest collection of photos from Turkestan ordered by General Gubernator Kaufmann in 70s 

Прокудин-Горский - страницы творчества известного фотографа, вкл. снимки из Средней Азии (https://prokudin-gorsky.org/)

История Кыргызстана и Кыргызов (https://www.akipress.org/kghistory/)

Библиотека Гумер (https://www.gumer.info)


Travels in Central Asia

Caravanistan (https://caravanistan.com/). Ultimate guide to Central Asia with updated practical information and forum

Touruz (https://www.touruz.com). Links to monuments, hotels and other activities in Uzbekistan.

Блог о памятниках Узбекистана и другая информация для туристов (не всегда актуализированная) - https://touruz.com/ru/blog/

Eurasia.travel - travel agency with comprehensive and detailed (though not always updated) info on each Central Asian and Caucasus country (https://eurasia.travel).

Central Asia Travel (https://www.centralasia-travel.com) - Tourism information about each Central Asian country

Stantours (https://www.stantours.com). One of the best travel agencies covering all Central Asia and adjacent regions - visas, services etc.


Central Asian Academia

International organizations

Central Eurasian Studies Society (https://www.centraleurasia.org)

European Society for Central Asian Studies (https://www.escas.org/)


Silk Road Studies Centre (https://www.silkroadstudies.org)

EU Central Asia Monitoring (https://www.eucentralasia.eu)

Międzynarodowy program badawczy Współczesna Azja Centralna (https://www.inp.uw.edu.pl/zbw3/pl)
Osrodek Studiow Wschodnich (https://www.osw.pl) - occassional paper on Central Asia and Caucasus (PL, EN)

Zentralasien - seminar, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (https://www2.hu-berlin.de/zentralasien)

Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Central Asian Studies in Europe (https://eiscas.eu/). European network of Central Asian Studies

Центр изучения Центральной Азии, Кавказа и Урало-Поволжья ИВ РАН (https://www.ivran.ru/centre-of-central-asia-and-caucasus). Publications of Russian scientists on the region.

North America

PONARS, George Washington University, Washington DC (www.ponarseurasia.org/). Including excellent Video collection.

Indiana University, Department of Central Eurasian Studies (https://www.indiana.edu/~ceus/)

Harvard Program on Central Asia and the Caucasus (https://centasia.fas.harvard.edu)

University of Wisconsin, Center for Russia, East Europe and Central Asia (https://www.creeca.wisc.edu)

University of Michigan, Central Asian Studies (https://www.ii.umich.edu/crees/aboutus/regionalprograms/centralasianstudies)

University of Chicago, Central Eurasian Studies (https://centralasia.uchicago.edu/)


Central Asia and other Asian countries

University of Central Asia (https://www.ucentralasia.org)

OSCE Academy Bishkek (https://www.osce-academy.net.kg)

Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (https://www.kisi.kz) – Analytical articles, commentaries, journals and partly book production of the institute. (EN, RU, KZ)

Central Asian Studies Center, Almaty, KIMEP (https://www.casc.kz) - research center within KIMEP university. (EN)
American University of Central Asia (www.auca.kg) – one of leading Central Asian universities, Central Asian Studies Institute

Institut Français d'Études sur l'Asie Centrale (https://ifeac.hypotheses.org) – French research center on Central Asia with headauarters in Bishkek, wide library, publications, study opportunities

Institute for Advanced International Studies (https://www.iais.uz/) - Center for regional studies at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in Tashkent (EN, RU, O'Z)

International Institute for Caspian Studies (Iran) (https://www.caspianstudies.com)

Institute of Asian Culture and Development (Korea) (https://www.iacd.or.kr) - Online issues of their International Journal of Central Asian Studies
Eurasian Hub (Hanyang University, Korea) (https://eurasiahub.org) - newly established Journal of Eurasian Studies (all issues are available online).


Regional organizations

Содружество Независимых Государств (https://www.cis.minsk.by)
Организация по Договору о Коллективной Безопасности (https://www.dkb.gov.ru)
Шанхайская Организация Сотрудничества (версия Секретариата) (https://www.sectsco.org)
Евразийский экономический союз (https://www.eaeunion.org/)

Портал внешнеэкономической информации (https://www.ved.gov.ru)

Czech Central Asia

Velvyslanectví České republiky v Astaně (https://www.mzv.cz/astana)

Velvyslanectví České republiky v Taškentu (https://www.mzv.cz/taskent)

Komora pro země SNS (https://i-ru.cz)

Česko-středoasijská smíšená obchodní komora (https://www.csok.cz)

Středoevropská, východoevropská a středoasijská obchodní komora ČR (https://www.svsok.eu)

Alterra. NGO focused on humanitarian projects in Central Asia (https://www.alterra.cz)



The Chronicle of Turkmenistan/Хроника Туркменистана (https://www.hronikatm.com) - news, analytics from Turkmenistan (RU,TM partly EN).
Turkmen.news (https://turkmen.news) Новости, аналитика (RU, EN). 

Eurasianet.org Turkmenistan (https://eurasianet.org/region/turkmenistan) - weekly digest of events in Turkmenistan (RU)
Гундогар (https://www.gundogar.org) The News and Analyses collected on the web page managed by Bayram Shikhmuradov

Crude Accountbility (https://crudeaccountability.org/campaigns/turkmenistan/). News and campaign on human rights abuses in Central Asia with Turkmenistan section.

Туркменская Искра (https://www.tm-iskra.org) - Updated until 2008.


Turkmen Ýurt (https://turkmenyurt.tv). Видео канал и новостная лента, Гельды Кяризов

Пайхас (https://expertbaza.blogspot.org) - Shokhrat Kadyrov (1954-2016)

Электронная библиотека Туркменской литературы (https://www.edebi-miras.blogspot.com)

Эркин Туркменистан (Свободный Туркменистан (https://www.erkin.net) - almost not updated after death of Avdy Kuliyev in 2008

Yowsan Annagurban Sahypasy (https://www.annagurban.com)

Official Pages

Turkmenistan Golden Age/Золотой век (https://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm) (En, RU, TM)

Turkmenistan.ru (https://www.turkmenistan.ru)

Arzuw News (https://arzuw.news)

Gündogar News (https://gundogar-news.com) – do not confuse with opposition site Gundogar.org

Orient.tm (https://orient.tm)

Türkmenistanyň prezidentiniň eserleriniň elektron kitaphanasy (https://neutrality.gov.tm/library/tk/) - Berdimuhamedow's online library (TM, EN, RU)

Turkmen TV Online stream (https://tv.online.tm)

Türkmen Altyn Asyr TV Watan Habarlari (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC89qzYVCh6y1sUq5_JtcoXA/videos)

Infoabad (https://www.infoabad.com) - official information about Ashgabat

Журнал Туркменистан (https://www.turkmenistaninfo.ru)

Turkmens.com (https://www.turkmens.com)

Oil and Gas in Turkmenistan (https://www.oilgas.gov.tm)

Государственный банк внешнеэкономической деятельности Туркменистана (https://www.tfeb.gov.tm)

Информационно-деловой центр "Туркменистан" (https://www.turkmenbusiness.org)

Союз женщин Туркменистана Энее-Махри (https://www.nt-ene.gov.tm)

Permanent Mission of Turkmenistan to UN (https://un.mission.gov.tm/en)

Академия наук Туркменистана (https://science.gov.tm)

Государственный культурный центр Туркменистана/State Culture Center of Turkmenistan (https://medeniyet.gov.tm/) (En, Ru, Tm)

International Organizations in Turkmenistan

OSCE Ashgabat (https://www.osce.org/centre-in-ashgabat)
UN Mission to Turkmenistan (https://www.untuk.org)
UNDP Turkmenistan (https://www.tm.undp.org)


E-library of Turkmen literature (https://www.edebi-miras.blogspot.com)
Культурное наследие Туркменистана (https://www.turkmeniya.narod.ru)
Ruhnama official pages (https://www.ruhnama.info (TM, TR, RU, EN)

Tomkad ЖЖ (https://tomkad.livejournal.com/tag/Туркменистан). Reports and photos from "real" Ashgabat.

Turkmen Taryhy (https://taryhturkmen.blogspot.com/). (TM, RU, partly EN)




Президенти Точикистон/Tajikistan President (https://www.prezident.tj)

Таджикское посольство в Турции (https://www.tajikembassytr.com)

Таджикское посольство в России (https://www.tajikistan.ru)

Таджикское посольство в США (https://www.tjus.org)

Министарство иностранных дел Таджикистана/Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tajikistan (https://www.mfa.tj)

Legal Club (https://www.legal-club.tj)

Центр стратегических исследований (https://www.src.gov.tj)

TajStat (https://www.stat.tj)


ИА Авеста (https://www.avesta.tj)

ИА Вароруд (https://www.varorud.org)

ИА Ховар (https://www.khovar.tj)

ИА Азия плюс (https://www.asiaplus.tj)

Payom (https://payom.net)

News.tj (https://www.news.tj)

Чархи Гардун (https://www.gazeta.tj)

Ариана (https://www.ariana.su)

Таджикистан – инфо портал (https://www.tajikistan.nm.ru)

Телевидение Таджикистана (https://www.tvt.tj)

ТВ Сафина (https://www.safina.tj)

Таджикское ТВ (https://www.1tv.tj)

Политические партии/Political Parties

Network of Political Parties (https://www.npp.tj)

Народно-демократическая партия Таджикистана (https://www.ndpt.tj)

Democratic party of Tajikistan (https://www.democrat-tj.org)

Коммунистическая партия Таджикистана (https://www.kpt.freenet.tj)


Таджикикая культура и литература (https://www.asiaplus.tajik.net)Freeariana.com (https://www.freeariana.com)

Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University (https://www.rtsu-slavist.tj)

Туризм в Таджикистане (Сорос) (https://www.tourism.tj)

Библиотека (https://www.aclib.ru) - CD Rare maps of the region)

Информация для мигрантов (https://www.migrant.tj)

Persian/Tajik Literature (https://www.sattor.com)

Писатели Таджикистана (https://pisateli.freenet.tj)

Садриддин Айни – выбор их произведений (https://www.answering-islam.org/Russki/Authors/Aini/index.htm)

Překlady tádžických děl do ČJ (https://www.obecprekladatelu.cz/ZZPREKLADY/totaltadzictina.htm)

Kamoluddin Abdullaev (Tajik historian) web page (https://kamolkhon.com)

Muhammadjon Shakuri personal webpage - https://shakuri.tj (TJ only)

Tajikistan Update (https://www.angelfire.com/sd/tajikistanupdate/) - Links to another web pages about Tajikistan

Iraj Bashiri page (Iranian and Tajik Studies) (https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/bashiri/)


Sarez Lake website (https://www.sarez-lake.ru) - analysis of Sarez Lake and explanation of main myths around it (mostly Russian only)

Таджикистан - избранные материалы по истории и современности (https://comunicom.ru)


Pamir Travel Information (https://www.pamirs.org)

Zerafshan travel info (https://www.zerafshan.info)

Mountains in former USSR (https://www.doruska.wz.cz)

Mountains in Russia and Central Asia (https://www.tichavsky.net)

Zerafshan Association for Tourism development (https://www.ztda-tourism.tj)

Tajik Air (https://www.tajikair.tj)

Somon Air (https://www.somonair.com)

Tajik Intourservice Travel Agency (https://www.tis.tj)

Travel Tajikistan Web Page (https://www.pamirs.org)

Fan Mountains Base camp and travel agency (https://www.fanyvertical.ru/)

Mountain Tourism in Russia and Central Asia (https://mountain.tos.ru)

Pamir Lodge (https://pamirlodge.com) - mountain hostel in Khorog (Pamir)



Президент Кыргызстана (https://www.president.kg)

Список публикаций Аскара Акаева (https://web.archive.org/web/20160306095536/https://socmodel.com/avtory/akaevaa)

Kyrgyzstan Statistical Office (https://www.stat.kg)


ИА 24 (https://www.24.kg)

Gezitter.org (https://www.gezitter.org)

Общественный рейтинг (https://www.pr.kg/)

Kabar (https://www.kabar.kg)

Аки Пресс (https://www.akipress.kg)

Open Kyrgyzstan (https://www.open.kg)

Дело № (https://www.delo.kg)

Газета.кг (https://www.gazeta.kg)


Центр Политико-правовых исследований (https://www.center.kg)

Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (https://www.krsu.edu.kg)

Esimde (https://esimde.org/). Центр исторической памяти Кыргызстана (RU, KG)

Sanjyra (https://www.sanjyra.com.kg)

Полис Азия (https://polisasia.org). Экспертно-аналитический и проектовый центр современной истории и политики Кыргызстана

Кыргызская литература (https://www.literatura.kg/) - литературные и научные произведения Кыргызстана.

Нур Омаров (https://omarov-nur.narod.ru)

Центральноазиатский исторический сервер (https://www.kyrgyz.ru)

Афиша Бишкека и Клуб путешественников (https://www.gde.kg)



Народное слово (https://www.narodnoeslovo.uz)
Пресс-служба Президента Узбекистана (https://www.press-service.uz)
Governmental Portal of Uzbekistan (https://www.gov.uz)
Uzbekistan Information Agency (https://www.uza.uz)
Education Portal of Uzbekistan (https://www.edu.uz)
Aral Save Foundaton (https://www.aral.uz)

Legal base of Uzbekistan (https://www.lex.uz/index.aspx)

Internet media

Kun.uz (https://kun.uz)
NOVA24.uz (https://nova24.uz)
Effect.uz (https://effect.uz/)
Hordiq.uz (https://hordiq.uz/)

Research Institutes

Center for Economic Development (https://ced.uz/)

Центр экономических исследований (https://www.cer.uz, https://www.review.uz)

Academy of Sciences (https://www.academy.uz)


Uzmetronom (https://www.uzmetronom.com)

Норбутаев (https://www.ydgrnrbtv.ucoz.ru)

Узбекистан neweurasia.net (https://www.ru.uzbekistan.neweurasia.net)

Erk Movement (https://www.uzbekistanerk.com)

Birlik (https://www.birlik.net)

Алишер Таксанов (https://alisher1966.livejournal.com, https://www.proza.ru/avtor/alisher1966)

Ozod Ovoz/Free Voice (https://www.ozodovoz.org)

Mahalla.org (www.maxala.org)

Независимые новости Узбекистана (https://www.nuz.uz/)


Узбекская литература (https://n.ziyouz.com/, O'z, RU, EN) - many Uzbek and Russaian language books to read and download.

Uzbek Soviet and post-Soviet Press (https://press.natlib.uz/) - electronic library of main Uzbekistan newspapers (incl. Soviet period), O'z, RU, EN

Sharq Yulduzi jurnali (https://sharqyulduzi.uz)

Библиотека Давона Хуршида (https://greylib.align.ru/)

Трудовые мигранты из Узбекистана (https://www.fromuz.com)

Элита Узбекистана (https://www.freewebs.com/elituz/index.htm)

Uzbekistan Railways (https://www.uzrailway.uz, https://www.uzrailpass.uz)

Горный туризм в Узбекистане (https://mountains.uz) - отчеты, карты (!!)

Tourist attractions Uzbekistan (https://meros.uz/) - RU,EN, UZ

Cotton harvesting play game (https://gamethenews.net/index.php/my-cotton-picking-life/)

Самарканд. Историко-туристический интернет проект (https://e-samarkand.narod.ru)

Бухара - путеводитель (https://rusrav.uz)

Sharof Rashidov muzeyi (https://sharafrashidov.org/))

Muhammad Sodyq Muhammad Yusuf web page (https://islam.uz/)

Archalert Uzbekistan (https://archalert.net/) - mapping Central Asian architecture


Старый Ташкент до 1917 г. (https://www.oldtashkent.com, https://www.oldtashkent.ru)

Метро в Ташкенте (https://metrotashkent.narod.ru)

Ностальгия по Ташкенту (https://www.uzcapital.info)

My Tashkent (https://www.mytashkent.uz)

ShoSh.uz (https://shosh.uz) - articles on history and contemporary Tashkent (Uz, Ru, some artiles in En).

Old and new Tashkent photos of the same places on Youtube (https://youtu.be/JOKSLaYb0CI)

Historical and contemporary maps of Tashkent (https://his.tashkent.uz/) - maps from 1870, 1872 and 1897 compared to the contemporary street map.

Old Tashkent and Transoxiana - archeological sites in Tashkent, reconstruction, comments (civiltashkent.blogspot.com) (RU)


O'zbek tilida sayfalar

Türk dunyosi. Jenubyi Turkiston (O'z, Tü, Dari)

Bolalar kutubxonasi (O'z, Ru)

Kitobim (O'z) O'zbek kutubxonasi

Ziyouz.uz (O'z, Ru, En)

Jadidlar harakati (O'z, Ru)

Fikr.uz (O'z, Ru)

Respublika bolalar kutubxonasi (O'z, Ru)


Clans in Uzbekistan - selected links




President of Kazakhstan (https://www.akorda.kz)

Kazakhstan Statistical Agency (https://www.stat.kz)

Литер (https://www.liter.kz)

Мегаполис (https://www.megapolis.kz)

Kazakhstan State University (https://www.kazsu.kz)

Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (https://www.kisi.kz)

KIMEP (https://www.kimep.kz)

Eurasia.org (https://www.eurasia.org.ru)

NOMAD (https://www.nomad.su)

Досым Сатпаев - Группа оценки рисков (https://www.risk.kz)

Центр экономических стратегий (https://www.inesnet.kz)

Центр исследований Сандж (https://www.sange.kz)




https://altertravel.ru/ - Альтернативный путеводитель по Росии

https://yandex.ru/maps/ - Карты

Ruská knihovna - knihy v ruském jazyce, často on-line, texty písní, odkazy na autory, ruská kultura a literatura

Oficiální stránky ruské vlády

Carnegie center Moskva - analýzy k dění v Rusku a bývalém sovětském prostoru, on-line publikace za poslední rok

Jízdní řád po Rusku a SNS - Ruské železnice - jízdní řád po celém SNS

https://ruskerealie.zcu.cz - Страноведение России для чехов

https://geographyofrussia.com/ - География России


Ruská autorská píseň

https://www.bards.ru - okolo 500 ruských bardů, stručné biografie a vybrané texty, (RJ)

https://www.inst.ru/index.htm - množství odkazů na různé bardovské stránky (RJ)

https://www.bard.ru - Největší katalog autorské písně, on-line poslech nebo možnost stažení hudby a textů

https://www.ksp.msk.ru - Centrum autorské písně Moskva - odkazy na klíčové stránky (RJ)

Jurij Vizbor - můj nejoblíbenější autor (RJ), zřejmě nejucelenější stránka, kompletní poezie a ukázky z prózy https://www.vizbor.org

https://visbor.narod.ru/ - kompletní poezie, akordy, kompletní próza, pomalu se natahuje.

Alexandr Rozenbaum - oficiální stránka dalšího mého oblíbence - texty, biografie, diskografie

https://grushin.samara.ru - Oficiální stránka festivalu Grušina (největší festival ruské autorské písně).



(not updated)

 Volební komise Moldávie – https://www.alegeri.md (MD, RU, EN)

AVA.md - analytický portál - https://www.ava.md (RU)

Interlic.md - tisková agentura - https://www.interlic.md (MD, EN, RU)

Analytický portál – https://www.e-democracy.md

Oficiální stránka Molávie - https://www.moldova.md

Institute for Public Policy – https://www.ipp.md

Analytický portál proruský – https://www.moldova.ru

Tisková agentura - https://www.info-prim.md



Map pages of the world - https://www.travelling.lv/ru/links/maps/

Other favorite pages (commentaries in Czech only)